Mean Teasing (R18)

Xue Ning gave a surprised gasp at his actions. She tried to pull away, but it seemed that Sun Jingwei was intent on keeping her hand pinned helplessly to her side of her thigh. So of course, being a woman with some sense, she decided to use her other hand instead - only for Jingwei to pin that one down too, without any hesitation. 

"Jingwei! What are you doing?" She cried out in dismay. She was out of hands, but there was a part of her that enjoyed how he was strong enough to pin her arms to her side. She didn't even know she had this kink, until it happened to her.

"Tsk tsk, such a naughty girl." Jingwei scolded her, and punished her with a sharp nip at the side of her breasts. Xue Ning cried out, her mind reeling from his words and his actions.