"Mommy - Mom !" Jingwei had whined, hastily remembering to call his mother Mom instead of Mummy, because he was eight years old, not a baby.
One of the kids laughed at him when he heard Jingwei call for his mom, insisting that Jingwei was a baby and he should go back to kindergarten. Jingwei socked him in the face, and his father was not pleased when he received the news that his son had punched Councillor Bai's son in the face. Jingwei was forced to apologise, never mind that Bai Shi Ting was the one that called him names to begin with!
"Yes baby?" His mother asked, giving him a quick look as she was momentarily distracted from the kitchen stove. She was stirring a pot of soup for the guests that were visiting later. Even with a bevy of servants at her beck and call, she still preferred to cook her meals. Her favourite was fishball noodle soup.