Tears Over Noodles

Two young girls playing together in the garden, then getting scolded for dirtying their new dresses by accident and flinging their ball into the fountain…

The same two girls held hands as they entered a school with tall iron gates, wearing identical uniforms as they gazed up at the impressive brick building that would be their home for the next few years…

Bi Yu crying as she screwed up the recipe for the umpteenth time, and getting scolded by their teacher for being such a terrible student…

Yue Niang helping her with her cooking, eventually teaching her well-enough that she managed to make her own bowl of noodles…

Bi Yu making noodles with various ingredients throughout the years to feed Yue Niang when she didn't feel like cooking…

The final bowl of noodles Bi Yu made her, before she and Tai Cheng fled to another end of the country, saltier with their tears, as they knew deep down they would never see each other again.