In Her Bedroom (Pt 5 - R18)

The multiple sensations were driving her insane! Jingwei's hands over her panties made her want to buck her hips repeatedly so he could touch her more deeply, but it seemed that he was intent on teasing her. His sure touches over the soaked fabric was a new sensation, and Jingwei still had the nerve to circle her clit through her panties, causing her to mewl helplessly.

"Look! Your clit is so swollen, it's visible through the panty," Jingwei observed with a cheeky smile, tapping at it with his thumb. The rest of Xue Ning's slit was also visible, since she had gotten so wet the panty fabric had become translucent. The very sight was so lewd that Jingwei wanted to commit it to memory for lonely nights.

Xue Ning squirmed and panted in arousal, trying to keep her voice down - a task that got increasingly harder as Jingwei continued his teasing ministrations.