Minutes before Wei Yan gets devastatingly, embarrassingly and humiliating thrown out of the window like a bag of mouldy leftovers after a long day, Ming Guang and Mrs Li had already put their plans in place.
"This will do it," Yue Niang said smugly, peering down at her phone. She had sent the message to the group chat that they were to rendezvous outside.
It was vague enough that the errant team members would assume that they'd meet at their usual spot, which meant that Ming Guang could catch the last of them in one swoop.
"Are you sure this would work?" Ming Guang said disbelievingly. "No one could be that stupid."
"These goons made a group chat and named it 'Sun Jingwei Kidnapping Mission', how intelligent could they be?" Yue Niang asked dryly, shooting poor Ding Fei an utterly disparaging look.