Meat Dumplings

The two men looked at him in horror. They were about to be turned into fish food by this evil couple! 

Li Tai Cheng still continued. "Ah, if only we could make rice dumplings out of them, the fishes would eat well then…"

Li Tai Xuan heard this and promptly shuddered; now he would never stop wondering where his parents got the meat for the annual dumpling festival.

Yue Niang rolled her eyes at her husband's suggestion, but for the wrong reasons. "The fishes would die of indigestion and the fishermen would have our heads. Don't cripple the food chain!" 

Ding Fei hurriedly added, "I don't taste good! Don't chop me up to make rice dumplings!" 

Li Tai Cheng had the nerve to give him a sweeping glance from head to toe, before frowning. "Young man, have more confidence in yourself! You're a youth in the peak of health, your meat will be more tender and full of nutrients!"