Sun Haowei Plots Revenge

Jingwei's shoulders slumped in pure exhaustion. "If you're smart, and you're very smart - you would take my father's offer, dump me and get all the money, and go find someone else that comes with less family drama! Preferably with a less psychotic father." 

"As long as it's not Wei Yan." He added. 

Xue Ning scoffed. "I hate being told what to do. I didn't dump you when your father demanded it, I sure as hell aren't dumping you because you're here sounding sad and wallowing in self-pity. Come on, get it together, or I'll go date Wei Yan out of pure spite." 

While Xue Ning's words were harsh, she squeezed his hand with uncharacteristic softness, her other hand patting the side of his face. 

Jingwei let out a watery chuckle. 

"Can't have that then. You'll be miserable."