Meeting Sun Long

"You - you - that's so forward - " Sun Haowei choked out, a glob of spit entering his windpipe. His wife quickly raised his body and thumped his back so he didn't die choking on his own saliva on the bed.

"Don't get the wrong idea," Bi Yu said, parroting his words. "But if what you say is true, your father will only leave us alone if we have a child. Do you have any male babies lying around, especially from your affairs? Bring him home, and I'll raise that child as my own. He'll be none the wiser."

"I would never! I use protection!" Sun Haowei retorted, aghast at the insinuation and at the thought of his wife raising a bastard child. Was she insane? The fights for inheritance would be so bloody, they'd paint the country red!