The End of the World had come, Meteorites had fallen to Earth and Heaven had punished the World by sending red blood rain to the ground.

Vincent--A Well-known person with a great face was ignorant and arrogant.

To be exact, He was too busy jacking off to even notice that the World was ending.

It was hilarious to talk about but a nightmare to face.

Imagine waking up after masturbating and seeing corpses and horrible monsters everywhere with humans screaming in terror.

"Hahaha.." Laughing at the joke of the End of the World, Vincent remained still inside his luxurious apartment.

He couldn't believe it.

Vincent was a coward, He didn't leave his apartment even if he heard the screams of people begging him to open the door.

Finally, After a few more weeks and running out of food. He came out.

The previous peaceful and civil world was no more, Blood splattered everywhere and there were corpses everywhere.

It was terrifying.

Vincent forced himself to adjust, to adapt, to learn.

The World had now changed, Unknown species roamed around and you could get killed if your not careful.

He swallowed his pride, meticulously plotted and schemed. For a piece of bread, I'll do anything!

Fighting, Killing, Stabbing. No matter how horrifying it is, He needed to endure.

His Humanity was eaten up to pieces, seeing the cruelty of Humanity everyday.

The 'morality' that was taught since they were young was abandoned and everyone had to fend for themselves.

Every single step must be calculated,

Betraying his teammates, Leaching off to the higher ups. He didn't care, Life was so harsh now and he had already thrown everything away!

For 4 years, He lived.

For people that hadn't experience the End of the World, It may seem short but for people who lived through it--It was painfully slow.

Everyday, The chances of you dying is high.

Everyday, You must find food and supplies.

He was growing tired, Tired of constantly scheming and killing.

Tired of this World that had no meaning anymore.

In the End, He died. Peacefully, He accepted his death while his only regret was the hunger in his stomach.