Forgotten childhood friend

Without even realizing it, A month had passed. The rumor that things would get stolen mysteriously without even leaving a single evidence had scared off the citizens of the country, specially after hearing that two warehouses mysteriously dissappeared!

Not only that but other things would magically dissappear without even a trace!

"What the fuck is going on?"

"Is it a ghost?!"

"The Food from the store i was in also mysteriously dissappeared!"

The said culprit to this crime however was too busy practicing martial arts inside space to care about this.

'Only a Month left, I've stolen some Jet ski and military cars..'

Thinking of his money, Vincent remembered that he had about only 4 million left on his bank account.

He had enough weapons now. From guns, Knives and explosives. The weapon he was interested in using the most is needles since he had a Mental ability, It would be easy and as long he had a strong needle.

"I'll buy some poisonous ones, some big and small ones. The only thing that should be sure is that they should be sharp as hell"

He also wanted to buy some poisonous plants but quickly retracted it since he didn't want something bad to happen to his space.

He'll go and research on where the nearest needle shop is and see if there's anything he can steal inside.

He's Martial Arts and Gun training was going splendidly, He also learned some other fighting style since he had enough time to spare.

The water on the pond had increased his strength and he built a well infront of his house to go there and drink it.

The sea creatures that he stole on the sea also got along with the fishes, With the robots reporting to him about the situation.

The way they would report is through his computer that would update on whatever was happening, It would be where he can see the harvest on the farm and the offsprings of the animals inside.

He made sure that no overpopulation would happen, The old would be killed and eaten while the young would remain to multiple then die. That was the circle of life.

Since a month is the only time left before the Apocalypse, Vincent made sure to grab and order as much food that he wanted to eat.

He wasn't good at cooking, Although he had the robots to cook for him. It was still different when a genuine person make it.

"Boss, One more ramen please!" Ordering one more to the shop order of the Ramen shop, Vincent smiled in happiness at the taste.

If gluttony would make an appearance, He would be the one shown.

He was greedy for food, So greedy to the point where it looked like he was breathing the food.

He had one month left before the End of the World, He had prepared himself mentally and physically for the nightmare.

So for now, He'll enjoy himself to the fullest while stealing things at night.

Just as he was enjoying the ramen, He felt his phone vibrate which caused him to frown.

He had ignored all the messages from everyone and only focused on hoarding as much supplies as he can but he didn't expect that someone would mass call him.

Since he was already near done at his preparation and was in a good mood, Vincent didn't get mad and looked at the messages sent to him.

Majority of them were messages asking why he had suddenly dissappeared but there was a strange message that stuck out to him.

[Annoying Bastard: Where have you been?

I haven't seen you around?]

[Annoying Bastard: I went to your apartment but the Landlord said that you moved out]

[Annoying Bastard: Heyy, Are you okay?]

[Annoying Bastard: Vincee, Its been atleast 3 months since I've last seen you. I stalked and got some info from your passport that you're going out of the country. What the fuck]

There were about a thousands of messages. Some of them were asking where he was, some were talking about their day and others were batshit insane stuff.

[Annoying Bastard: I got annoyed at your friends today because they were insulting you for ignoring them. Don't worry, I made sure to murder them for you]

"What the fuck" reading the messages, Vincent couldn't contain his astonishment.

He had seen and met some messed up people in the Apocalypse, from desperate bitches to insane sociopaths.

But he wouldn't ever guessed that someone who he deemed as a brother would be one!

[Annoying Bastard: You better not be fucking dead or else I'll go and dig out your corpse]

He shivered as he continued on reading, The longer he went. The more it seemed like the person who sent this was going maniac mode.

This person nicknamed 'Annoying Bastard' was actually his childhood friend,

Elias Venti.

In the Apocalypse, Elias sacrificed his life for him but well---

'fuck! I forgot Elias even existed since i was so focused on preparing for the Apocalypse!' Crying inside while thinking of how much of an awful friend he was, Vince couldn't help but cringe at himself.

It couldn't be helped since Elias died at Day one of the Apocalypse when he sacrificed himself for Vince!

He and Ellias slowly lost their touch when they went to adulthood, Specially after his parents died and he went to live by himself.

'I never knew Ellias became a murderer after we lost touch! He seems to have more lost screws than me and that's already impressive since i basically robbed half a country!'

Time truly does change a person!

"what the fuck happened to that guy? I mean, I'm not against murder since it's common in the Apocalypse but i would have never guessed someone nice like Elias to be like that"

Talking outloud, Vincent was thinking of what to do when suddenly the person on the other side of the screen seemed to have noticed that he had read the message and sent another one.

[Annoying Bastard: So you're still alive eh? Either that or someone stole your phone.]