Chapter 24: Beyond what you can see

Hailey’s POV

Sabrina's arms get me before I can even be aware of it, gradually making me feel calm, even as her voice keeps peppering me with questions.

"I'm fine, Brina, I promise," I tell her.

"What do you mean? Are you okay?" she looks me up and down and rubs my arms. "Damn, Hailey, you're shaking, and your clothes are all dirty and torn."

I look down at my body, noticing that I’m shivering. Unfortunately, one of my dress' straps has broken, and my knees and arms are a little scraped from the struggle.

"You're bleeding. How the hell did you do this to yourself?"

She immediately takes off her jacket and drapes it over my shoulders as Harper approaches. She has removed the scarf she had tied around her waist to wipe the blood from my ear and neck.

"I'm fine," I repeat to both of them, but neither of them seems to hear me.

"What are you doing here?" Harper then asks, with a frown and a raised eyebrow as she looks at Angus.