Chapter 43: Selene

I couldn't believe it, I wanted to vomit all over the computer screen as I stared at Arthur and Myles. The likenesses were uncanny, it wasn't just the eyes. It was the nose, the mouth, the chin, even how they styled their hair.

I sat back in the computer and heard Morgan leave the room, presumably to go tell the guys what we had already found. Pulling up everything I could find on him, I moved them around to the several screens and made a digital timeline of Myles' life.

The first thing I had checked was his birth certificate, but it was unsurprisingly blank where a father should have been listed.

When the guys walked in, I had everything pulled up that I was going to find. Everything from parking tickets to how much he still had remaining on his student loan payments.

"You're positive that this Myles is related to Arthur," Aaren asked as he came to stand next to me, looking over everything I had pulled up.