"What are you doing?" Cori asked.
Ben turned the mower off. "Mowing your lawn," he replied as he glanced around her yard, intentionally averting from her penetrating gaze. The very one which he assumed was designed to let him know she didn't need his help.
"You know you don't need to do that for me. I was going to get to it, this afternoon as a matter of fact, but..." She pulled her fists from her hips and let her thin arms fall to her sides. "I do appreciate it. It's been a busy week."
Acceptance? Progress? Like a magnet, his gaze returned to hers. The flecks of gold in her light brown eyes flickered in the sunlight.
His pulse ratcheted up again.
"Do you have to waitress tonight?" he asked.
"Nope, I've got the night off."