Outside, the light was dimming, and the only illumination we had came from the crackling fire.
Inside, all I could think about was that this was it. This was how I was going to die, and my stupid need to help out had gotten Chance killed, too.
My breaths started coming in short bursts, and my whole body grew tense and tight. Tears welled in my eyes before sliding down my cheeks, leaving hot tracks over cold skin. Tremors started in my hands and worked their way up my arms until I shook right down to my toes.
"Ryann. Hey, Ryann." Chance reached out and pulled me to him.
I pressed my face into his chest and let go as his arms came around me and held me tight. I sobbed and cried ugly, fat tears. I tried to suck in air in noisy gulps, but I couldn't get enough. My chest spasmed.