
Sam : Peter...!!!

Peter : ( shocked) ( quickly hides the drawing..) oh Sam when did you come... I am sorry I didn't see you..

Sam : how will you see when you are busy drawing..

Peter : sorry..

Sam : by the whole were you drawing..

Peter : no one just a character..

Sam : are you sure but I don't think so.. tell me honestly... the way you are drawing the face doesn't indicate me but someone else...

Peter : well I am drawing leah..

Sam : ( stands up..) didn't you say she is just your friend how come you are even drawing her face now..

Peter : she had help me a lot so I thought of giving her a gift..

Sam : oh... you are giving her a gift... wow.. so amazing why don't you give my position to her... why are you still staying with me.. why don't you stay with her..!!!! why..!!!

Peter : Sam calm down.. this is just a drawing...

Sam : so what..!! didn't you say your precious hands only belong to me.. didn't you say you will only draw your best friend and no one else...

Peter : I told you... but I also told you I will only draw my best friend...

Sam : you mean Leah is your best friend now... wow...!! I am so stunned didn't you say she is just your friend and you discuss about study only... your relationship improved so much just in a week that also in my presence.. are you really going to break off our friendship... is our 9 years of friendship going to end here... the things we enjoyed together were all fake.. and our sacrifices together were all in vain..!!!

Peter : stop making wild guesses Sam who told that I would break our friendship.... whole world knows how important you are to me

Sam : really then what are you doing now..i think I am not important anymore I am just a girl who interrupts your personal life everyday..?

Peter : Sam...!!! have you gone insane.. come to you senses.. !!!

Sam : oh.. so I am insane now..i thought you had say I am psyco... since you said so et me be insane and let me go to hell..!! ( runs away..)

Peter : Sam...!!!!

Sam rushed to the class.. she was angry and sad at the same time.. and afraid too.. Drake saw her and immediately came to comfort her.. Peter didn't follow her he felt bad so he just sat in the place he was sitting... Leah saw the whole play from a far place when Sam went she immediately came to Peter to comfort him...

Leah : Peter are you all right...

Peter : ( sits down) sigh..!! do you think I am alright..

Leah : I am sorry this all happened because of me.. I think I shouldn't have entered your life..

Peter : it's okay.. it's not your fault.. it's just she mistook something.. don't worry she will be fine after a while since sheet her anger out..

Leah : but she shouldn't have misunderstood you since you are her best friend from what I see she didn't trust you...

Peter : it's not what you think.. she's the person who trusts me the most and she's the person I trust the most..

Leah : but didn't you see how rude she was.. I don't think she deserves you.. you should be with someone who understands you like me..

Peter : what are you trying to say....!

Leah : ah.. nothing don't mind me I just babbled something I shouldn't have... ( looks at Peter's drawing.) woah did you draw me.. you are so great..

Peter : well I just wanted to return the favour for helping me al this days.. and I need one more favour from you..can you give your notes to Sam she missed many classes and with what happened today I don't think she would accept my notes she is really angry.....

Leah :okay it's not a big deal.. I will help you as long as you want my help unlike someone who doesn't care...

Peter : thanks.. ( leaves...)

In the break time Leah went to Sam to give her the notes....

Drake : hey..!! atleast have a little food.. why are you starving yourself to death..!!

Sam : isn't it better for me to disappear..

Drake : why are saying stuffs like that.. you are not at fault.. it's Peter whose eyes are blind.. don't worry everything will be okay.. and from what I know about you two you can't stay away from each for just a day.. how can you both bear to break you friendship....

Sam : but it's different this time.. no third party entered in our lives.. unlike now..

Meanwhile Sam was having chat Leah interrupts Sam from the back...

Leah : Sam...! are you okay..

Sam : ( turns back) who are you..!! what are you doing here..

Leah : I just came here to give my notes to you since you missed your classes..

Sam : ( laughs.) what..!! do I know you.. why would I take notes from a stranger like you..

Leah : how am I stranger to you I am your friend

Sam : how the hell are you my friend.. don't forget your place.. you may be Peter's friend but that doesn't mean you are my friend...!!!

Drake : yea and get out from their lives.. you are a third wheel you should know that...!!

Sam : yea.. please get out of my sight I have nothing to talk to you...

Leah : but..!

Sam starts talking with Drake and moves to leave the place.. but then Leah suddenly grabs Sam's hand..

Leah : no.. you can't go you have to take my notes..

Sam : ( stares at Leah) are you insane.. why would I have to..

Leah : because Peter wants it..

Sam : what..!! then I definitely won't..!!!

Leah : no you must...

Sam : don't you understand my words I said no..!!!

Sam tries to shake off Leah hand... she starts to get rid off her hand.. when Peter saw from far Leah immediately acted to fall down... people thought that Sam pushed her.. after Peter saw this he came rushing to Leah..

Sam : hey.. !! what are you doing why did you fall on the ground...