Therefore, Robert, who had learned a lesson and acted cautiously, also waited for Eric to open the stock market. Seeing that the stock rose at an astonishing speed, he asked the Wiseman team to measure it based on the current data.
After figuring out that he would be able to regain his throne with Eric's shares, Robert officially invited the upper class on the list of invited people.
Therefore, when Eric's party was over, Robert returned to his territory and the party was completely prepared.
Due to the reputation of the technology maniac, the invited rich people didn't refuse. They rushed to the party and congratulated Robert.
Robert, on the other hand, was also flattered by the crowd. With a big smile on his face, he held his head high and became more confident. When he greeted the crowd, he looked energetic, completely different from the frustration he had experienced after being hit by Yang Yi.
In addition, the people Robert invited were all real acquaintances in his circle.