Chapter 14 Come What You Say

"Enable drilling mode."

In the middle of the track, there was a huge drill. The way to hide the chariot was very simple. Just dig a hole.

Now, Daniel received nearly 500 thousand silver coins every day. The food they ate was bought from the underground city. No matter how rich he was, he couldn't afford a group of people to eat can every day.

First, he hid the chariot near the basement.

Then he found Charlie and handed him a pistol.

"Daniel, oh my God! You have a pistol... Well, I have forgotten that you are not the Daniel used to be. It doesn't seem strange that you have a pistol."

Charlie held the pistol and felt novel.

Daniel smiled and said, "I remember I told you before that I would find you a job. Now, this is your job!"

Charlie turned around and raised his pistol to make a gesture. When he heard Daniel's words, he seemed to think of something and his eyes widened. "Have I become a security guard?"

"Of course, I only have one requirement for you, that is, never aim your gun at your people!"

Charlie went to work successfully!

On that day, the basement reached level 3 successfully and could resist the earthquake of level 6!

Daniel received the reward of task 1.

The three tasks were refreshed at the same time. Two tasks had been completed, but they hadn't been refreshed yet. It seemed that they wouldn't be refreshed until task 3 was completed.

Daniel guessed right. This time, he got 400 gold coins.

The total amount of gold coins reached 1000.

Many things had changed in the mall.

What Daniel cared most about was that he found a submachine gun, a machine gun, in the column of other supplies.

He thought maybe he should find a few people or train them to control some weapons and guard the basement.

It was better to take preventive measures in advance!

"It turns out that 1000 gold coins could make the mall upgrade. This should be a boundary point,"

Maybe next time, an upgrade would cost 5000 gold coins or even ten thousand gold coins.

Now, there might be only 13 days left before the earthquake.

After all, the prediction was not completely accurate.

He must hurry up!

"Boss, Captain Jedson is here."

In the underground city, a well-decorated restaurant.

Wearing plain clothes, Jedson walked in and said, "We can't sell water this month. We have sold more than 10 million tons of water. No matter how much, the castellan mansion will notice something unusual."

"How could the castellan mansion know about this?"

Daniel asked in confusion.

"They give out a certain amount of water every day to prevent people from dying of lack of water. They also have statistics on the data."

"You know, some people are not very rich. They will wait for our water instead of buying the water from the castellan mansion. If it goes on for a long time, something will be wrong."

Daniel frowned and said, "I won't sell it now. I'll sell it next month."

Jedson smiled and said, "In fact, there are also some people selling water, but the quantity is far less than ours, and our water is cheap. They have noticed us."

"Who are those people?"

"For example, the Rogor family."

"In addition to the castellan mansion, they are the best sellers in the underground city, they also sell water?"

During this period, Daniel not only went out for a walk occasionally, but also looked at the "Woodworking", "Cooking Manual", "Top Electricians", and "No. 23 Underground City Information Encyclopedia" he bought.

There was information about the Rogor family.

It was a behemoth, monopolizing the only food processing industry and construction industry.

In a word, it was horrible!

Just like a mountain, it was in the underground city. Whoever it wanted to live couldn't die!

"That's right. If I hadn't stopped quickly, they would have found me."

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside.

It was not the first time that Daniel had seen such a commotion in the private room booked by Daniel, so he didn't feel surprised.

When he was about to speak, the door was kicked open.

"Don't move. Raise your hand!"

The two black muzzles were aimed at Daniel and Jedson respectively.

The moment the door was kicked open, Daniel put his hand on the pistol at the waist. But when the muzzle of the gun was on Daniel, he released his hand and gradually raised it.

Jedson was also angry, "Do you know who I am?"

On the left was a strong man with black skin. He gave Jedson a disdainful look.

"Loser, cut your head off if you dare to say anything more! Whoever you are, don't hinder the Rogor family from doing business."

The Rogor family!

What did he say?

The two men took a few steps forward, but the muzzle of the gun was still aimed at them.

Behind them, several people came in. The first one was a well-dressed young man with a handsome face, followed by two people with a submachine gun.

"Oh, who is he? Jedson? What a coincidence!"

The two of them knew each other. "Donte, what do you want to do?"

As a captain, Jedson quickly calmed down.

"What are you doing? You have violated the law of the underground city. I will arrest you!"

The young man called Donte seemed to want to take the two men back and ask them when two men with guns in front of him had come over.

The room was so small. If his head was pointed at by the muzzle of the gun, he would be taken away!

Daniel stared at them, gritted his teeth, jumped to the left, and took out the pistol from his waist!

At the same time, he roared, "Attack!"

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Then there was a roar. The strong man didn't expect that Daniel would suddenly make a move. The two men shot almost at the same time.

What a pity!

Daniel had a bulletproof vest of system, which, except for his head, would have done him no harm with a pistol!

Daniel could feel that two bullets were fired from his arms and waist.

Daniel's two shots also hit the man's abdomen.

Blood flowed out in an instant!

The gun skill was too bad!

At this time, Daniel had no time to think and all his potential was aroused.

With another shot, the man fell to the ground.

The sound of a gun pierced the dining room.

Another man shot. The bullet hit Daniel's abdomen. With body armor, Daniel was not injured.

"Go to hell!"

The man fell to the ground with numerous shots.

A bullet rubbed his ear and hit the floor.

Death made people's hearts beat violently!

Daniel took out a grenade!

Pulled the wire!
