This is Halloween, Part 1

It's been two weeks since Clarity has transferred to our school, and it's been fun. Dudley tried a few more times to get close to Clarity, but she would revert to what I'm calling her 'Ice Queen' mode whenever he tried. It wasn't just with him, though he did get the worst of it. She would go Ice Queen whenever she interacted with anyone who wasn't me or Harry.

We've gotten pretty close due to our shared experiences with bullies. The Vapids have even begun to leave us alone at school! They seem to be wary of angering her father if they bully us now. She's a good friend.

But now it is time for one of the most vaunted holidays in the world.


A time of the year where children of all ages get to wander the town to beg random people for candy. And woe to those who try to grant these children "healthy alternatives". For they will find themselves on the darker path of 'trick-or-treat'.

Or at least that's what we've heard. Me and Harry haven't actually GONE trick-or-treating on Halloween before. The Dursleys kept going on about how they aren't going to give us any chance to do our "misdeeds" and get away with them. Usually we'll just be forced to sit in our cupboard the whole day, then the next be forced to watch Dudley eat a few pounds of candy. Seriously, how can he eat that much and still not be hospitalized?

Anyways, this year is different. It's different due to a single thing Harry and I have never had before.

A friend. (Although I did have Mewotzer, but he always made sure that nobody saw him. Something about training for the final climactic battle, whatever that meant).

Clarity wanted to go trick-or-treating with us, and Vernon's desire for connections apparently outweighed his desire to make our lives miserable. He cut some eyes out of a couple of old bed sheets so that we could have some costumes to use. Or rather, 'costumes', since he's "not interested in spending any money on us for a one-time fluke".

On the bright side, the ratty-tatty nature of them make us seem more scary than your average trick-or-treater.

A couple hours before sunset, the doorbell rings, and behold, another miracle! Vernon isn't yelling at our twinliness to hide in our cupboard! He can't be sure if whoever is ringing the doorbell is just some kids, or Mr. Insania here to bring his daughter to hang out with us.

This time, when he pulls open the door, dressed in his fanciest suit, he beholds Mr. Insania. Mr Insania is dressed in an old victorian style suit, the kind that you wear a cape with. As he grins at Vernon, I see a pair of fake fangs poking out.

(A.N: Yeah, fake... Innocent whistling.)

I look around for wherever that whistling is coming from, but when I can't find it I simply shrug my shoulders and turn my attention back to Vernon's pandering. He looks really desperate to get on Mr. Insania's good side if the amount of bowing and hand rubbing is any indication.

Mr. Insania seems to be the type to get into the holidays going by the depth of detail his costume went into. Meanwhile, Vernon is the complete opposite in his business suit, completely unsuited for Halloween. Though I suppose dressing up as a businessman would count as a Halloween costume for a kid, on an adult it just seems uncaring.

Once Vernon guides Mr. Insania out of the doorway and into the hallway towards the kitchen, Clarity steps in. She's dressed in a classic witch outfit, with a short black dress, a ragged black cloak, and a pointy black hat. In her hand she carries a broomstick with a bag tied to the end.

Harry and I stand from our sitting position on the stairs and approach her. "Boil and toil," I begin, "double the fubble. Let those of no holiday spirit, be cursed by the holiday siris!" I stumble as I reach her, and she catches me. "Sorry about that, felt weak for a moment. But I'm all good now!" I flex my arms to show my energy.

She giggles, but still looks at me with a bit of worry in her eyes. "Are you sure? We can stay inside tonight if you need the rest."

""NO!!"" Me and my twin shout at the same time. Clarity blinks at our twin shout, but simply nods her head.

"Very well, then if that is the case, would the both of you come with me? We can see who gets the most scared by the decorations people have posted! On the way over here it seemed like someone had turned their front yard and driveway into a maze!" As the three of us leave, Clarity continues to go on about some of the decorations the other houses put up.

Once we're out the door I give our house a quick once over. It looks... the same as ever. I guess that's to be expected, the only interest they show in the holiday is when they occasionally check on Dudley. But now, it's time for Harry and I's first Halloween adventure!