Diagon Alley Part 5

Harry and I depart Madam Malkins with the promise of new robes being made in our sizes for the school year. Apparently they'll be sent to our house once they're all ready. Outside we meet Hagrid holding a now single ice cream with two cones stuck to it.

I let Harry have it, then after he eats half of it I tell him about how Hagrid dropped it on the floor. Clarity and I laugh as he exaggeratedly spits.

After he tosses the rest away, Hagrid guides us to the store for wands, known as Ollivander's. On the way, Clarity sidles up to me and leans in. "Once we get back, there's something I think you and Harry should see. I found it in the book store without my parents or Hagrid noticing." She glances at Hagrid, but her words are quiet enough that he doesn't overhear.

'Curious. I wonder what she found.' If it's something she doesn't want Hagrid to know about, then it's most likely about the Hogwarts Headmaster. Before I can contemplate it further though, we arrive.

"Here ya are, Ollivanders! The best wandmaker in the world! Now, he doesn't like it when people who aren't getting wands go in, so it'll be just the three of you going in."

Clarity shoots a nervous look at her parents, but they reassure her that they'll be waiting right outside for her. Getting her confidence back, the three of of step into the store, the door closing gently behind us as a little bell goes off.

Inside is a nice wooden desk, intricately carved. Behind that are rows upon rows of shelves filled with small rectangular drawers.

What we don't see is someone to help us, so Harry takes the initiative to call out. "Hello? Hello!" After the second 'hello', a ladder comes sliding in from the back of the store.

On the ladder is a man with wild grey hair, his face blooming into a radiant smile the moment he sees Harry.

"I wondered when I'd be seeing you Mister Potter." He climbs down from the ladder and only then seems to notice me and Clarity behind Harry. "Apologies, I did not see you there. Miss Potter, and Miss...?"

"Insania. Clarity Insania, a pleasure to meet you." She offers a nod while I have a small grin, happy that someone finally noticed me instead of just Harry.

"Ah yes, it IS that time of year again. Well, let us see what we can do." He starts rifling through boxes, speaking to Harry as he does.

"Seems like only yesterday that your mother and father were in here buying THEIR first wands. Ah!" He brings Harry a wand he's just unboxed and encourages him to wave it around.

Harry does so with obvious confusion, and when he does a line of drawers shoot out of the shelves. He takes a step back while Clarity and I look on with interest.

"It seems wands let a person tap into their magic without relying on their emotions. Though that still leaves me as an outlier since I can do magic perfectly fine without a wand."

We watch as Harry is handed another wand and immediately causes a vase to shatter.

"True, but it is interesting to see what kind of effects he can cause with no kind of practice or training simply due to having a focus for his magic." Clarity mutters back at me.

We watch as Ollivander brings back another wand, hesitation clear on his face. Slowly, he places the wand in Harry's hand.

All at once he emits a glowing nimbus of light,and a small gust of wind swirls around him. The three of us stare, wide-eyed at the spectacle.

"Curious. Very curious." Mutters Ollivander.

"Excuse me, but what's curious?" Harry questions.

"I remember every wand I've ever sold, Mister Potter. It so happens that the phoenix who's tail feather resides in your wand gave another feather, just one other. It is curious that you are destined for this one, when its brother gave you that scar." He points.

Harry swallows the sudden lump in his throat. "And... who owned that wand?"

"We do not speak his name. The wand chooses the wizard Mister Potter! It is not always clear why, but I think it is clear that we can expect great things from you. After all, he who must not be named did great things, TERRIBLE things, but great."

The two trail off into silence, the atmosphere quickly becoming heavy.

A few minutes later, Clarity and I share a glance before I decide to break the heavy silence with a clap. "Well, that's totally foreboding! But while we wait for the inevitable trouble ahead, how about helping Clarity and I find our own wands?"

Ollivander startles, as if he'd forgotten that we were here. "Ah yes, of course. Would you like my help first, Miss Potter? Or shall I assist Miss Insania instead?"

I wave him off. "Clarity please. The sooner she gets her wand the sooner she can study how it impacts her."

Clearly not knowing what I mean but also knowing that it's none of his business, Ollivander simply nods.

"Very well then. Let us see if we can't find the wand meant for you, Miss Insania."

Too quietly to hear, she mutter under her breath. "Just as long as I don't lose a limb to one that doesn't want me." She eyes the destroyed pieces of the store caused by Harry's mistake.