Chapter 11 The Hero Saved the Beauty

Harry saw Lea was in rags. He felt pity for her and was furious.

"Boss? Money? You scumbag should not live."

With a wave of the Swiss army knife, Tom was cut in his throat. Blood spurted out and he fell to the ground slowly.

Taking off his coat, Harry walked towards Lea and gently wrapped it around her shoulders, covering her exposed skin.

Then he gently held the trembling Lea up.

This scene completely frightened those scumbags. They looked at Harry with fear.

"Move the food and water downstairs quickly and give them to the people on the third floor."

Upon hearing Harry's order, all of them hurried to take action, eager to get out of his sight as soon as possible.

In their eyes, Harry was a ruthless monster.

At this time, James had successfully led the mutated zombie away, and a large group of people from the clothing exhibition hall also rushed to the hall on the first floor.

"James, take Lea to the car first and give the water and food to the people. I'll deal with the mutated zombie."

Harry said to James, pointing at those who were carrying food and Lea.

"Be careful. Don't get infected with the virus." Lea looked at Harry and said with concern.

No wonder she was the campus beauty. She was tall and curved, with no trace of age on her face. That kind of beauty was like a matured apple in the oil painting.

Harry swallowed. It was the first time that they had been so close to each other. He couldn't help but have an inexplicable impulse.

"Aoo... Aoo..."

The mutated zombie had already walked towards Harry as if it wanted to attack.

Now, the mutated zombie seemed to have more eyesight. Moreover, it was three meters tall, with long hands and feet, and its range of movement was also increased.

Harry had already taken out his pistol.

Less than five meters away, the best place to shoot was within the range of attack of the mutated zombie.

Since it was the first time that Harry tried to kill the mutated zombie, he didn't shoot rashly and chose to go behind the zombie.

Bang! Bang!

After two shots in a row, the zombie was hit in the head, and scarlet blood and brains burst out. However, it just shook its head but did not fall like other zombies.

What happened?

A hint of astonishment flashed across Harry's face. "Cant the mutated zombie be killed by exploding its head?"

After being attacked, the zombie began to get angry and became crazier. It waved its long arms continuously and let out a "howl" sound. It was badly mutilated, and its face was ferocious. It sounded creepy.

Harry couldn't think of a better way to deal with the sudden change.

"How to kill the mutated zombie?"

In a hurry, Harry tried to ask Alpha Dog for help.

"The mutated zombie has already had a heartbeat, so it must be shot in the head and heart at the same time." The voice of Alpha Dog immediately rang in Harry's mind.

"Fuck! It's only been a week, and it's evolved so fast. The pistol is no longer useful. I should have a submachine gun."

At such a high speed, it wouldn't take a long time for zombies to reach human's moveability. By then...

It was hard to imagine!


The bullet went straight into the zombie's heart. The powerful bullet pierced through its body, and its scorched clothes were smoking.

As expected, a huge body fell to the ground with a loud bang, raising a cloud of dust.

Different from killing its head just now, there was no blood?

It seemed that the mutated zombie had just got a heart, with no specific body system yet. However, this was already a dangerous sign!

Ding! A hint came from the system:

"Killing one mutated zombie, point +10"

Although it was more difficult and dangerous to kill a mutated zombie, it was fair to get ten times of points.

Harry put away his gun, smiled, and muttered to himself.

Walking to the third floor, Harry picked up some clothes for Lea and packed them. He also saw several bags of women's stuff under the counter. They might be used by the owner's wife, so he took them, too.

"Boss, everything is ready. I'm waiting for you to get in the car." James saw Harry coming downstairs and waved at him.

After getting in the car, Harry found that Lea was sitting in the passenger seat, and James was sitting in the back row.

This guy was quite smart.

"This is for you. I don't know if it fits you. Do you like it? You can take them."

Harry handed a large bag of clothes to Lea.

"Thank you. I like them very much. This..."

Lea took over several packets of menstrual pads, blushed, and lowered her head shyly.

However, she was very grateful to this considerate man in front of her.

Harry took a deep breath to adjust himself, but the faint fragrance of her hair and shy expressions were intoxicating.

"Are you Lea from the medical university? Did you travel through time?"

Harry wanted to confirm it.

Harry's questions shocked Lea. She was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth for a while.

She didn't know what happened. When she woke up, she followed a large group of people in a daze. And then she arrived at the supermarket and learned from the discussions of the people that everything about zombie virus, Nirvana City, rescue, etc.

Then she was sure that she had traveled through time. As a student at the medical university, she knew that if the virus broke out, it would mean a pestilence. Just when she was cursing the time travel, a bunch of scums assaulted her.

"How... How do you know me so well? Did you also travel through time?"

After a long while, Lea came back to her senses and expected Harry's answer.

"I'm Harry from the science and technology university across from your school. I also traveled through time. Didn't I say that I was your classmate when I saved you?" Harry introduced himself.

"Oh, I see." Lea nodded thoughtfully.

"Of course, you don't know me. There are many boys around your, and I can't even get close to you."

It sounded like a joke, but Harry didn't show any exaggerated expression.

"What are you talking about? None of them is as brave and thoughtful as you."

Lea's smiled, and her voice was like the sound of mosquitoes.


Harry was flattered. Just now, his courage and the pads had left a glorious image in Leas mind.