Chapter 20 Something Was Wrong

Seeing Harry drank it all and thinking of his performance just now, the two decided to trust him.

"It tastes good, just a bit sour."

Harry licked his lips after drinking it.

"I trust you, Harry. You will protect me no matter what happens, won't you?"

Lea also opened the bottle and drank it.

"Don't say that. It will help you. Just wait two minutes."

Looking at Lea who was drinking, Harry nodded with satisfaction.

"It's just a bottle of drink. I will drink a bottle of poison if boss asks me to."

James opened the bottle and drank it in one gulp.

"You sound like I'm going to kill you. Don't forget that we are in the same boat now." Harry said with a smile.

Two minutes later, James and Lea blushed.

"Boss, I feel my body burning and my skin tensing. Is there something wrong?"

"Harry, I have the same feeling,"

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine in 30 seconds. I feel the same way when I drink the first bottle of drink that the system gave me as a gift."

Harry understood what they were worried about.

"Wow, it's so cool. I feel my whole body is full of Strength. It's amazing."

30 seconds later, James stood up and began to move.

"Come on, bend it." Harry picked up a big spanner and threw it to him.

"Really? I can't do that. It's a big spanner!"

"How do you know you can't if you don't give it a try? Come on, give it a try." Harry looked at him affirmatively.

"OK." James picked up the big spanner with both hands. Then, the big spanner immediately turned into a U shape.

"I made it. I made it Ouch!"

James jumped up excitedly and bumped his head against the top of the armored car.

"Right? This is the effect of the physical drink. Do you still think it's a fake or outdated product or poison?" Harry said sarcastically to James.

Rubbing his aching head, James looked at the spanner carefully. Afraid that it was just a toy, he picked it up and knocked it hard on the bottom of the car. After confirming that it was made of steel, he smiled awkwardly.

"Beautiful lady, try to straighten the spanner too."

Harry looked at the energetic Lea and handed her a big spanner.

With James's example, Lea quickly picked up the trigger.

Slowly, the big spanner returned to its original shape.

However, looking at Lea who was holding her breath, it should be difficult.

"Awesome! Good girl." Harry gave her a thumbs up.

"Harry, I feel a bit difficult. It's not as easy as James." Lea said with a red face.

"That's normal. After all, you are a girl, so you are weaker."

James seemed to have made great achievements.

"It's not only strength increase. You will also feel the increase in agility, endurance, thinking, and so on in the future."

"In this way, you will have a better self-protection ability," Harry explained.

Harry took the spanner from Lea's hand, which hadn't been completely restored. With a gentle pull, it was as good as before.

"Lea, you should drink this to keep your figure." James rolled up his sleeves and said.

"No, I don't want muscles all over my body."

Lea smiled at Harry.

"Yes, you're right. You should be soft wherever you should be. Don't be too hard. That's not good." Harry continued, raising his hands.

"Really? I hate it before it starts. It's already hard now. Why don't you touch and feel it?" Lea pointed at her chest.

Harry was shocked by her words.

"You will be mine sooner or later. Don't worry. I will enjoy you."

"Why wait? You can have me now. You don't dare?"

Lea looked slutty, because she knew that Harry was an innocent lover, so she used this as a test for him.

"Please let me go. I'm not prepared at all."

"I'll see if you'll behave well in the future." Lea gazed at Harry affectionately.

Seeing Harry at a loss, James teased,

"Mighty Boss, you are a real gentleman. I admire you!"

Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, the armored car shook and stopped.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the car?"

"Yes, you can get off the car to have a check." Alpha Dog replied in a second.

"Me? Check the car? But I have never learned vehicle maintenance."

"The system knows that you are a top student of the science and technology university, and your primary survival skills have been upgraded. So, you can do vehicle maintenance."

When Harry picked up the tools and was about to get off the car, Lea screamed,

"Harry, zombies!"

They had been chatting and didn't notice the zombies coming. Several tall and strong zombies were approaching them, baring their teeth and waving their claws.

"I'll leave them to you two. I'm in charge of the car maintenance." Harry opened the side door and assigned the task.

"No problem." James picked up G. Locke 17 gun.

"OK, I'll be your bodyguard for a while."

Holding the mini submachine gun in one hand, Lea looked valiant and heroic.

Standing next to the car, Harry stared at it blankly and had no idea what to do. At this moment, a voice in his mind said:

"The third row at the bottom of the car. The VL link is broken. You can buy it from the system shop."

He opened the system shop and input "VL link".

It was easy. He paid 5 points.

When he got into the car, he found that there was indeed a VL link missing in the third row.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

James shot the first zombie.

The rest of them heard the gunshots and became crazier. They walked 2 meters a step and surrounded them with howls.

Da… Da… Da…

Lea held her gun tightly, shooting crazily.

Several blood lumps fell to the ground, and blood mist floated in the air.

"Lea, you're awesome. The battle is over."

"It's not me. My mini submachine gun is more powerful than your G. Locke 17 gun." Lea knew the power of her weapon.