Chapter 25 Medical Expert

Harry had successfully led the zombie to the front of the meeting room. Seeing that the nurses had got out, he was about to make a move.

"Aooo! Aooo!"

The zombie waved its sharp claws but didn't reach Harry, shouting angrily.

Crossing the messy bonsai, Harry stood on the balcony, keeping the same height as the zombie.

The zombie immediately came to him. Its long nails scratched the window and sparkled. Harry found his opportunity.

Bang! Bang!

With two quick punches, the zombie's arms were directly broken from its shoulders, leaving only a layer of skin hanging there.

Then he kicked the zombie's chest, causing it to be 2 meters away. Then he took out the Swiss army knife and stabbed it into the zombie's heart precisely. The whole knife was stabbed into its chest. Harry stirred it a few times with great force and pulled the knife aside.

When he was about to stab the zombie's temple, he heard:


A mini dagger flew in the air, went straight into the zombie's temple, and cut half of its head.

Immediately, blood and brains were all over the ground. The huge zombie quivered a few times and remained motionless.

"Why are you still here?" Harry looked at the nurse in surprise.

" I don't know where to go. Besides, I should stay to help you. You saved us."

The nurse said as she picked up the dagger.

"You know darts? Do you have any martial arts skills?" Harry looked at the nurse in confusion.

"It's not about martial arts. My family specializes in traditional Chinese medicine for generations, especially acupuncture. To achieve stability and accuracy, I learned some martial arts. It is said that acupuncture and martial arts are interconnected in old times."

The nurse explained briefly.

"You have such superb medical skills. I thought you were a nurse when I saw your clothes. What's going on?"

Harry began to suspect that the nurse in front of him might be a transmigrator.

"I don't know. I'm a medicine expert. I went to a classmate's party last night and drank some wine. When I came back home, I fell asleep. Then I woke up, only to find myself a nurse in this hospital and experiencing such a horrible thing. Till now, it still feels like a dream."

"Oh, I see. You are also a transmigrator like me. Nice to meet you, Madam. My name is Harry."

Harry introduced himself.

"Hi, my name is Sally. Did you just come to this world?"

Sally asked, looking at Harry up and down.

"No, I've been here for more than 10 days. As soon as I came here, I encountered the outbreak of the zombie virus. During this period, I did nothing but kill zombies every day."

"Zombies? You mean this monster?" Sally pointed at the zombie in the blood and said.

"Yes, this is a mutated zombie. When people were infected, they would mutate into this in a week." Harry explained.

"It won't be helpful if you work alone. Is there no rescue team or evacuation plan?"

"Well, I have seen a rescue force once, but they were annihilated by the zombies. Later, I have been busy killing and rescuing people, and I didn't see any other team later. To be honest, until now, I don't know the name of this country. Maybe this is a parallel world."

"But it's not just me. Our team has four members now, a super system and a smart intelligence called Alpha Dog."

Harry told her his current situation.

"A super system and a smart intelligence called Alpha Dog? Why it's all like a time-travel novel I usually read? Am I still dreaming?"

After saying that, Sally pinched her thigh hard and cried out in pain.

"I don't have time to explain everything now. Let's talk about it later. Sally, are you willing to join our team?" Although Harry knew that she had no choice, he still politely asked for her opinion.

"Of course, you know, I have no way to go now, and I don't know where to go," Sally told the truth.

"Am I going to be a burden to your team?"

"Of course not. You are a medical expert, and you know about acupuncture. You are a rare talent. Our team needs all kinds of experts to win over this pestilence."

"OK, what should we do next?" Sally continued.

"Don't worry. I have a big plan. Let's go downstairs and get to know each other." Harry asked her to go downstairs with him.

Harry took out his phone and connected it to the Bluetooth.

"Is there any zombie in the hospital now? Is it safe?"

Alpha Dog immediately replied, "There is no zombie, and the hospital is currently safe. However, there will soon be a group of new zombies in Riverside City. You must be prepared."

"A group of new zombies? How can we deal with them?" Sally asked worriedly.

"It's not a big problem. We can deal with them with our current equipment. The top priority is to develop a drug to control the spread of the zombie virus. You can cooperate with this lady."

Harry had arrived at the back door. He pointed at Lea and said to Sally.

"Harry, have you finished the zombies upstairs? Who is this lady?"

Lea looked at Sally beside Harry and asked.

"She is a transmigrator, a medical expert, and knows about acupuncture."

"Well, let's go to the hall to meet each other." Harry waved at Park.

"There is no need to guard the back door, right?" Park had accepted his new role and began to worry about the zombies.

"It's OK. I have asked Alpha Dog. The hospital is safe now. Let's go to the gate to have a look."

Under James's management, the gate had been cleaned up in order.

The armored car drove slowly into the courtyard.

"Hero, you are awesome. You managed so many people in good order. I admire your decisiveness." The security guard gave James a thumbs up.

"I'm not a hero. My name is James. What about you? What's your name?"

"My name is Jack. I've been working here for two years. Is the armored car also yours? How domineering!"