Chapter 32 Maintaining the Situation

The electricity in the hospital had been cut off, and all the devices that could reach out to the outside world were useless. The radio seemed to be the life-saving straw for everyone.

That night, everyone gathered in front of the radio, wanting to hear some news from the outside world.

It was getting dark. With Harry's help, he finally got some signals.

Although there was a lot of noise, everyone was still cheering for a long time.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Mode, a radio reporter. Recently, a huge rabies pestilence broke out in this town. The infected one will lose his mind and attack people around him randomly. The National Defense and Control team has already taken action, please don't panic."

"Next, Professor Shi, please tell us some dos and don'ts."

"Hello, everyone. I'm Professor Shi. I have something to say about the current situation. Please don't believe the rumors on the Internet. People said something about 'out of control', 'end of the world', 'biological crisis', etc. But in fact, it's just some patients with rabies."

"During this period, you should stay at home as much as possible to reserve food for one to two weeks. Pay attention to the ventilation in the room and wash your hands frequently. It only takes two weeks for us to control the pestilence and successfully get through this crisis!"

"Professor Shi, that's great! The power of love is unimaginable. Let's act together and get through this crisis hand in hand! Next, I will connect with some reporters and live stream!"

With a beautiful ring, another woman's voice came from the radio.

Mode smiled and said, "Liu, this is the main platform."

"Main platform, this is Liu, please!"

"How is the situation on the spot?"

Liu said in a relaxed tone, "The Pestilence Prevention Department has received the work of controlling the situation. I believe that the situation will be completely under control soon after the Department takes over it. I'm going to interview the leader of the Department now and ask him to analyze it carefully for us! Nice to meet you, Mr. Li!"

A heavy voice came from the radio, "Hello, reporter! Nice to meet you. I'm the team leader of team 305 of the National Pestilence Prevention."

"Mr. Li, is pestilence prevention going well?"

"Everything goes well. The first batch of rabies patients has been controlled. There is no panic or chaos. We just need to prepare food and water for three weeks and wait at home. My department will carry out the rescue as soon as possible. Don't worry!"

Harry frowned when he heard this. What the department said was different from what Professor Shi had said just now! Professor Shi said that it would only take three weeks to return to normal, but leader Li asked people to wait for rescue.

This kind of contradiction only meant that the situation was more serious than he thought!

Lea scolded angrily, "Aren't they lying to the people? Rabies? Rabies can't be this bad! One bite could let people be infected and mutated in a few minutes!"

"Maybe the officials are trying to keep the public from panic!" A smile of embarrassment appeared on the face of Park.

Team leader Li's voice came from the broadcast again, "Now, we have set up passes on the main roads around the town to ensure safety. Please don't worry!"

Harry suddenly stood up.

The broadcast reminded him of all kinds of zombie movies he had watched.

The zombie virus broke out, soon it went out of control. Then an isolation belt was established to prevent the situation from spreading, but no use. Then soldiers were sent, but no use

Harry didn't dare to think about it anymore, because the consequence was too terrible.

With a pale face, Lea looked at Harry absentmindedly and asked, "Will the city be destroyed?"

Harry wasn't the only one who watched the zombie movies. Everyone else realized the terrible consequences.

Liu realized that Li's words might cause panic, so she smiled awkwardly and changed the topic.

"Oh, what's that? I saw passes have been opened and people who are about to leave are receiving inspection. Once they are confirmed with no rabies virus, they can leave. It seems that the pestilence is not so terrible. We don't even need a lockdown. Do you think so, Mr. Li?"

Li smiled awkwardly and didn't know what to say.

Suddenly, there was a commotion on the radio, as if the crowd were in a mess.

Screams were sounded.

Li shouted, Shit!

Then there were gunshots, which made Harry and others feel pain in their ears.

Although they couldn't see what had happened at the scene, Harry and the others could guess that there was an infected person. They bit the living in the crowd. At last, the department had no choice but to kill them to ensure the safety of the living.

After the gunshot, Li's voice disappeared. Perhaps he went to deal with the disturbance.

Liu said in a sobbing tone. It seemed that she was frightened, but she still managed to hold back her tears.

"Just now, a few patients with rabies suddenly rushed into the crowd and caused some chaos, but now they are completely controlled by the department. Everyone should believe in this country, and stay at home, waiting for rescue. Liu. Goodbye!"

Then Liu went offline.

Mode and Professor Shi, who were on the host platform, were also embarrassed. What the department said was quite different from what they said. The gunshots came from the scene, and they couldn't continue to make up stories.

She could only say a few words casually and ended this interview hastily.

There was only the sound of electricity on the radio again.

Everyone in the room looked terrible.

They knew clearly that the officials hid the information about the pestilence, which meant that they had abandoned the city.

"Stay at home and wait for rescue? The situation is under control? Bullshit!"

Harry was fully aware that the so-called rescue was at most a formality. They just took some photos to stabilize the public. The city would soon be destroyed to cut off the zombie virus.

Harry took a deep breath.

"Let's have a rest first. I have to think about what to do next!"

Then he left the group and walked to the balcony.

He lit a cigarette. With the help of the nicotine, his tense nerves were slightly relieved.

"Alpha Dog, link to the world network and search for important information about the pestilence!"

"Checking the information about the situation Please wait..."

About ten seconds later, the voice of Alpha Dog sounded again.

Just as Harry had expected, the zombie virus broke out all over the world and many countries took measures to deal with it. Among them, M country was very ferocious. They had ruined a whole city where the zombie virus was out of control.

The domestic situation was slightly better, and there was no use of the destructive weapons for the time being, but Harry knew that it was only a matter of time. Once the zombie virus went out of control, these weapons would be used in seven days at most.

Harry sucked his cigarette.

"Alpha Dog, where is the nearest safe city now?"

"Riverside City!"