Chapter 44 Horrible Tentacle Zombie

The shop was in a mess. The counter was broken into pieces, and glass was scattered on the floor. The old mobile phones were on the ground, and the room smelt the stench of rotten corpses. Sun and his underlings entered the shop. They immediately covered their noses, and the two women behind vomited.

Lily and the old policeman also felt unwell, but they were much better than these people. They had checked the shop carefully but did not find any hidden door.

"Didn't you say that there is a secret room? Where is it?"

Lily frowned and asked.

Sun took out a mask somewhere and put it on his face, which made him feel better.

He laughed and said, "It's a gun shop in a big city, of course, it's hard to find a hidden door. Come with me."

Then he led them into the back hall of the shop. He moved a table away and knocked on the wall behind the table.

With a mechanical sound, a hidden door appeared in front of them.

Lily and the old policeman were stunned. They didn't expect that this old phone shop could have a hidden door. This secret room was several times larger than the entire shop and almost took up the whole basement. The power had been cut off in the building. The secret room was dark, but with the faint light from the outside shop, Lily and others still saw rows of guns on the shelf.

Lily and her master looked at each other, surprised.

Pistols were not powerful enough to deal with zombies. If they were far away from the target, the zombie's head couldn't be shot through. The guns here were a great help. If they had gotten these weapons earlier, their teammate would not have died.

"Hurry up and take as many as you can!" The old policeman was so excited that he strode forward to take guns. But when he touched it, his heart sank.

"It's not real guns!" Lily came to her senses at once.

These were simulated guns, and they were loaded with lead bullets which were far inferior to real guns.

"It's better than nothing!" The old policeman sighed and continued to collect weapons.

Lead guns were still better than their pistols.

Seeing this, Sun sneered. He waved at his underlings, and they crept to the corner. It was too dim to see what they were doing. But then a dark compartment was quietly opened.

Sun took out a few guns from the dark compartment and handed them to his underlings. Soon, they got a backpack full of guns.

They must be real guns that were much more powerful than Lily's.

Apart from guns, they also put on some bullet-proof vests. Sun also put a Nepal army knife on his waist. They were different now.

Lily and the old policeman carried a bag of guns and bullets and returned. The old policeman breathed a sigh of relief. "Well, let's hurry up and go to meet them!"

Without any objection, Sun and his underlings walked out of the secret room.

Although they had guns now, it was unwise to fight with the old policeman here. A gunshot would attract many zombies, and they could be in danger. It was better to do it after they returned to the villa.

But they didn't notice that a black shadow had crawled out of the compartment and followed them closely from the ceiling.

Outside the phone store, Harry frowned and looked at them.

Although they hadn't been in danger, Harry felt something was going to happen.

"Alpha Dog, check the mutated zombies in the shop!"

"Sorry, the device is missing. I can't get more information!"

Harry shook his head helplessly. This was a black gun shop, and there must be a device to block information. It was amazing that Alpha Dog could transmit video and voice signals by Lily's electronic devices. But it was impossible to locate the mutated zombies.

"I hope that you have some luck!" Harry said with a bitter smile.

"They are about to come out. Let's hide first. When they come out, we'll subdue the playboys as soon as possible. They have real guys. We must be careful!"

"Don't worry, boss. They are just a group of brats. No big deal. " With a confident smile, James and Ross hid respectively on the left and right of the mobile phone shop.

Harry just relaxed a little when something happened in the secret room.

Just as Lily and the others came to the middle of the secret room, suddenly, a black figure dropped from the ceiling and fell on the head of the man in a grey shirt.

Before the man could scream, he was dragged out and hit the ceiling heavily.

The sudden change startled everyone. They looked back and saw the man struggling desperately in horror. But the next moment, a sound of bone fracture was heard.

His head was separated from his body, and blood spurted on the face of another man.

The smell of blood pervaded and covered the corpse miasma in the secret room.

"Ah!" A girl screamed, losing her sense. She turned around and ran out of the door.

The others were also awakened by her scream and immediately turned around to run away.

Only Lily and the old policeman remained calm. They skillfully took out their guns and shot at the black shadow hanging on the ceiling.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!" The sound of lead bullets sinking into the body could be heard continuously, and stinky mucus dripped onto the ground.

Their marksmanship was very good, and their cooperation was also very tacit. Two shot together, and the black shadow was unable to fight back for a moment. However, unfortunately, the lead bullets were weak. Even if they kept shooting, it did not cause any fatal damage to the black shadow.

"Retreat!" The old policeman had rich combat experience, so he immediately found out the firepower problem and asked them to retreat.

Without any hesitation, Lily began to retreat while kept shooting with her master.

The black figure seemed to have realized the strength of them, so it turned to the playboys who were fleeing madly. With a loud bang, the tiles on the ceiling were broken, and the black shadow shot out from the top of Lily's head and flew forward.

Now, the playboys had already run to the door, and with the help of faint light. Lily finally saw the black figure, and she gasped.

They had seen a lot of zombies, but they had never seen such a strange one.

It was almost out of human shape. Under its waist, there were eight crazily dancing tentacles, each as thick as a thigh. Like a squid, it rushed towards the playboys.

Sun and his underlings were terrified. The strong wind scared them to death. The two playgirls knew it was a dangerous mission, but they still wore high heels. In a hurry, they slipped and fell to the ground.

"Help me!" A beautiful woman in a strapless dress asked her boyfriend for help in horror.

But her boyfriend, who was always obedient to her, now ran forward without looking back.