Chapter 46 Fight with the Tentacle Zombie

After waiting for a long time, he didn't feel his head being smashed.

Confused, the old policeman opened his eyes and saw a tall man standing in front of him.

The man held a black dagger, looking powerful. Beside his feet, there was a tentacle wriggling.

"Who are you? It's dangerous here. Get out quickly. I'll cover you!"

The old policeman returned to himself when he saw someone in danger and struggled to stand up.

"Sir, I admire you. But you are seriously injured. Don't move. I'll take care of this!"

James ran over and helped the old man out of the room. "Oh! You were still so fierce at such an old age, Mr. Li. Don't worry. My boss is very strong!"

"Roar! Roar!" The tentacle zombie roared madly.

It had suffered a great loss in the first round with Harry. Subconsciously, it realized that it was not easy to hurt the person in front of it. However, its instinct stimulated its ferocity: it had to devour all the humans in front of it.

"Come on!" Seeing that the tentacle zombie didn't attack, Harry sneered and rushed up.

Seeing that this fearless human dared to attack, the last strand of the subconsciousness of the tentacle zombie was gone. It used all its tentacles to attack Harry. They were shockingly fast.

Facing the fierce attack of the tentacle zombie, Harry was not afraid at all. Instead, he had a strange feeling.

At this moment, time seemed to slow down. The ancient martial arts skills taught by Ross clearly appeared in Harry's mind.

The movements of the tentacles were shown clearly. Even though it was the first time for Harry to fight with a tentacle zombie, he was confident that it was no match for him.

When they were about to fight, Harry's speed suddenly increased by several times. He moved around, and the eight tentacles all missed.

A man and a zombie brushed past, and dark red blood splashed out. Harry removed half of the tentacle zombie's shoulder in just one move.

After being seriously injured, the zombie cried out crazily. Its tentacles waved crazily, some swept across, some hacked vertically, and some pierced. The range of attack was even wider than before.

Both the old policeman and Lily screamed in horror.

But the next moment, the two widened their eyes, unable to believe what they saw.

Harry didn't change his expression. Holding the antique dagger, he walked leisurely between the impending tentacles.

When he was about to reach the zombie, Harry waved the dagger immediately.

Bang! Bang!

After a few muffled sounds, all the tentacles were broken, and the thick liquid fell all over the ground.

Without the tentacles, the zombie suddenly lost its balance and fell to the ground with a thud, unable to move anymore.

"Awesome! Harry has completely mastered the pace of the battle! He is a genius!"

Ross couldn't help exclaiming when he saw such a wonderful battle.

He had taught Harry how to walk between the tentacles! The advantage of this set of steps was that they could predict the enemy's movements. But Ross was surprised that Harry had mastered it in just two days!

Harry took a dagger from the shelf beside him and stabbed it into the head and heart of the zombie.

With a whimper, the tentacle zombie finally died.

Lily was stunned by the one-minute battle.

She was a master of fighting. Usually, three strong men couldn't get close to her. But she had never seen Harry's way of fighting. She knew that Harry was more powerful than her.

After killing the zombie, Harry wiped the blood on his dagger, put it away, and walked back quickly.

"Sir, are you OK?"

Reminded by him, everyone came to their senses from the shock of the battle.

The old policeman chuckled, "Hello, young man. My name is Li. Thank you for saving our lives. I'm not seriously injured. Don't worry!"

"That's good!" Harry breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ross, go to tell Mr. Park and others to come here. It's safe here! James, go to the high place and on alert. Lea, get Mr. Li out. The air here is too thick. We can't stay for too long!"

Harry ordered.

Everyone started to move and walked out in unison.

Harry took Lily to Sun.

Just now, Harry kicked him with great strength and anger. Until now, Sun still lay on the ground, sobbing.

Pointing at Sun, Harry asked, "This guy just wanted to kill you and your master. What are you going to do with him?"

When Lily saw Sun's face, she remembered what had happened just now. She was angry.

Hearing this, Sun trembled with fear and struggled to get up regardless of the pain in his belly. He knelt in front of Lily, crying and begging.

"Miss. Lily, I was wrong. I was not myself before. Please let me go. I will be a good person in the future!"

Looking at Sun's crying face, Lily's heart softened.

After all, she was a policewoman. Even in the apocalypse, and the sense of responsibility was still lingering in her heart.

"Forget it! I'm not a policeman. I don't have the right to decide your life or death! Get out!"

"Thank you, Miss Lily. Thank you!" Sun was overjoyed. He kowtowed to Lily and thanked her. Regardless of the pain in his belly, he rushed out.

Harry sneered and picked up a gun from the ground.

"Bang!" With a gunshot, Sun, who was about to walk out of the black gun shop, trembled and fell to the ground.

"What are you doing?" Lily shouted angrily, staring at the gun in Harry's hand.

"Kill a heartless bastard!" Harry said without hesitation.

"How can you kill him? Even if he deserves to die, he should be executed by the law department!"

Harry smiled bitterly and looked into Lily's eyes. "Miss Lily, please look at the outside world. There are monsters everywhere. Who has the time to sentence him?"

"But you can't just kill him like this!"

"In order to protect these beasts, you even lost a comrade. Even so, he had blamed the death of his brother on you. If he leaves alive, more people will die. Saving him is a sin for others!"


Lily was rendered speechless by Harry.

Indeed, in front of his savior, Sun could still think about murder, let alone other strangers.

Sun could do anything to survive.

Now it was the apocalypse. The government was facing the test of the zombie virus, and there was no time for them to sentence a criminal.

Even so, as a policewoman, Lily still couldn't accept the fact Harry took the life of a living person without authorization.

Harry wasn't angry. He said softly, "Miss Lily, I know you can't understand me now. There will be a lot of things like this in the future. I hope you can understand me slowly!"