Chapter 83 We Had Been Targeted

"Seeing from the video, this team didn't have many guns. They didn't have too many weapons except for an RPG rocket. But why are they so powerful?"

A military officer couldn't help but admire the courage of Harry's team.

General Austin also frowned. A small team of a dozen members could suppress so many zombies. They were almost as powerful as a company.

"Their guns must have been modified. Their power and capacity are so much better than the same types!" Mark made a point.

General Austin nodded. He was more and more interested in this team.

The satellite had been monitoring Harry's team. Not long after, the team left downtown and stopped near a gas station.

"General, they seem to run out of fuel! They are going to refuel here!"

General Austin's eyes flashed. "Find a way to contact them!"

"Yes, sir!"

A gas station twenty kilometers away from downtown.