Chapter 90 The Downtown Camp Was Occupied

The dark sky was lit up by the fire.

In the darkness, countless black shadows hit a ten-meter-high wall constantly.

A helicopter hovered in the sky. The Gatling barrel kept spinning, and countless bullets shot out.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The gunshot didn't stop for a while.

However, no matter how strong the firepower was, it could not fight back the zombies below.

"Captain, we can't hold on any longer!" Beard's Gatling kept shooting. The barrel had turned red-hot because of the long-time shooting and was about to break down.

Captain Lin squatted beside him, carrying an RPG, and kept shooting cannonballs at the zombies.

"Hold on. There's still half an hour left before the scheduled time!"

Harry was also shocked when he saw the fire outside the downtown camp.

"Alpha Dog, what happened in the camp?"