Chapter 151 Wrong Event

Seeing that Austin and others had come round, Harry didn't take any supplement. He yawned and left.

By now, Harry had not slept for thirty straight hours, only resting a little while meditating. He was so energetic just because of heaven and earth's wonderful performance, and now his tense nerves are slightly loosened, and he immediately feels sleepy.

When Harry returned to the living area, he found that everyone was still sleeping.

It was a long distance from the wall. The team members had fought for a whole night and were much more tired than Austin. In addition, with the presence of Harry, they didn't need to be on guard at all, so they were still sleeping soundly.

After taking a shower casually, Harry wore a bathrobe and got into the room in a daze, ready to sleep.

When he lay down, he found someone lying on the bed. Subconsciously, Harry thought it was Lea. Without thinking too much, he wrapped her arms around her waist and fell asleep.