Chapter 154 Too much Ammunition

Austin stroked the helicopter and sighed.

Forget it, it's god's will. Let's stop thinking about it and continue to look for materials. If there is no plane, you can find it, but you can't live without food!"

"General Lin, take it easy!" Harry flattered and patted on the model.

"Ding! You are using the helicopter upgrade card. Please confirm!"


Harry answered silently in his heart.

Just as Austin sighed, Harry had secretly bought a helicopter upgrade card from his shop system.

5000 points, a little more expensive than an armored car upgrade.

But now it was different. Harry has points, 5000 is a piece of cake.

The warehouse next to the helicopter should be a garage with many tools.

Austin and the others walked around the warehouse, so they didn't notice what Harry was doing.

The team continued to deepen and soon left the tarmac.

There were many small warehouses in front of them.