Chapter 158 Can Robots also Be Made

"Clap, clap!" Harry clapped his hands, "Okay, everyone has worked so hard for so long, let's go out and rest first! Even if you want to go out and work on a production lathe, it's not something that can be solved in a day or two!"

"You're right. More haste, less speed!"

"Take some bullets out first. Tomorrow I'll take my people out to look for something like a lath!"

Then they started to move, each carrying their own weapons and armors and walking out.

They had rested for a while, and all of them had fully recovered. They began to work hard and soon moved more than 80 boxes of ammunition to the open space.

A box is a thousand rounds of ammunition, and there is a total of 80,000 rounds here.

But that was not enough! There were a lot of corpses in the South Mountain City. If they went out, they must prepare enough bullets, or there would be an accident!

Harry didn't stop, nor did everyone stop their work. They moved the bullets to the open space one by one.