Chapter 173 This Team Is not to Be Trifled With

Unable to find the survivors through the technical ability of Alpha Dog, Harry began to think about where these people were.

Since there were survivors, they must eat. The food processing factory was the place where the food was accumulated the most.

The survivors were probably there!

The food processing factory in the zone had to provide food for the whole workers in the zone. It covered a large area, with three big factory buildings and two nine-story office buildings.

However, Harry was not stupid enough to go to the processing factory to look for someone. Zombies were crowded in the zone. Anyone with a little brain would not survive on the ground, and the materials must have been moved underground.

At 10.35 o'clock in the morning.

Just as the Harry team rushed to the food processing factory.

When Harry and the others had just hidden, two survivors were carefully observing the situation outside the window of a five-floor office building beside the food processing factory.