Chapter 192 Upgrade Manufacturing Equipment

They strolled around the villa, and screams came from the room.

Needless to say, heaven and earth had good taste. The design of the villa room was stepped on the aesthetic standard of everyone.

"Wow, what a big kitchen! Uncle Gary is so happy!"

"Yes, for a chef, cooking is a battlefield!"

"Look, there is a private cellar behind us. When we go out in the future, we should pay attention to it and find a few bottles of good wine to come back. You can be busy at home all day and drink a glass of wine. It's so beautiful to think about it!"

"All the electric devices are intelligent. The little girl is so considerate. This room is better than my room before the disaster."

"I like this bedroom the most. Wow, the French window facing the river is so beautiful. I want to sleep in this room today!"

Everyone was amazed as they strolled.