Chapter 204 Rebuild the Base in Advance

All the members of the Harry team stared at the car screen.

On the screen, the corpse tide around Riverside City seemed to sense something all of a sudden. They all turned their heads to look in one direction and let out a submissive roar. The scattered corpses gradually gathered together, and then began to run wildly in the same direction, South Mountain City.

Among them, the mutant zombie was a little resistant, but the mutant below grade B only hesitated for a while and then joined the transferred team.

A level B slaughtering knife zombie seemed to be very resistant. It waved the bone blade in its hand and roared crazily as if it wanted to use its roar to offset the sound waves of a level A mutant.

But the next moment, a low roar came from afar. The roar was not loud but penetrating. Even though it was far away from the screen, the members of Harry's team still felt as if there was a heavy stone pressing on their chests.