Chapter 212 Upgrade the LV3 Tank

Harry withdrew his gaze from the chariots one after another and looked at them again.

Although it was also painted in black, the defensive power of the dragon armored chariot was stronger than that of the LV2.

The original chariot with a length, width, and height of 6650*2850*2890mm has now become a huge chariot of 9820*5130*5260mm.

The car had become bigger and heavier. If they were connected head to tail, they could form a temporary city wall of fifty meters long to effectively resist the impact of the corpse tide.

And look at its defensive power.

"Dragon armored chariot: defense armored car. The body can effectively resist the attack of the top-grade mutant zombie."

"Damn it! The attack of the top-grade mutant zombie can effectively defend itself, which is not much weaker than that of the LV.3!"