Chapter 263 The Annihilation Plan of the Army

Buzz! Buzz!

A roar of a propeller came from afar. Soon, many Avengers helicopters flew over from the base and landed steadily on the tarmac of the base in the mountain.

More than a dozen robots slowly walked over and began to refuel the plane and replenish its ammunition and equipment.

Harry has only fifteen helicopters in total, and now he has used ten helicopters, which shows how much he attaches importance to this mission.

Harry's plan is very simple, nothing more than gathering corpses and attracting them to the military base.

After all, they were in the army. Their firepower and fighting quality warriors far exceeded that of the survivors' camp.

The number of battle vehicles, armored cars, tanks, and planes in their hands far exceeded that of the survivors.

Their weapons and equipment were also very powerful. Although they were not as powerful as the South Dragon Base, at least the equipment of the survivors was better than theirs.