Chapter 288 The Feast for The Top-level Mutants

After walking in the underground base for a long time, the surroundings were so quiet. Along the way, there was no other sound except the footsteps of William and the others.

The warriors had just been out of danger. They were glad that the light here was bright and there was no zombie. Everyone's vigilance had dropped a lot and didn't feel strange.

But as an excellent warrior, Edwin felt something was wrong. A strange sense of crisis pervaded his heart, making him not dare to be careless.

When they turned a corner, they suddenly saw a figure leaning against the wall motionlessly, as if he was resting.

Edwin shouted excitedly when he finally saw a living person.

"Bro, where is the office of the Tyronn? The person who led the way only asked us to follow the signal sign, but we haven't arrived yet after walking for a long time!"

He shouted, but the man in front of her didn't respond, as if he hadn't heard him.