Chapter 299 The Buried Shelter

Outside the former government department building.

The Harry team successfully entered the buried shelter through the underground passage.

"That's great! No wonder William said it could accommodate millions of people before. It's so spacious!"

Walking in the buried shelter, ignoring the corpses all over the ground and the stench in the air, the team members looked around the huge underground buried shelter.

After such a long time, the team members had made great progress in all aspects.

Not to mention others, if it was before the doomsday, Lea, a smart college girl, saw such a bloody scene, she would probably be frightened to tremble her legs and unable to walk.

But now, after countless bloody battles with zombies, she seemed to be accustomed to such scenes. She didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

Each team member wore a mask and moved freely in this hell-like underground building.

The three girls were laughing and didn't take the corpse seriously at all.