Chapter 314 A Clean Plan If You Don't Agree

In the joint operation building of the base of the Garden Island.

Sitting in the command room, Robbert was taken aback when he heard the report of the investigation team in South Mountain city. He waited for a while and thought that he hadn't had a good rest for a long time and had an auditory hallucination.

"What did you say? A group of survivors with unknown origins appeared at the military base of South Mountain city. Is the destruction of the military base related to them?"

"Yes, this group of survivors has high-tech equipment, and their firepower is very strong. We are being attacked by them. Please help us..."

Robbert pounded on the table in anger. He wanted to see who these bold survivors were and how dare they attack the army.

"Use the satellite to observe the situation of the military base in the Mountain Area!"

"Yes, sir!"

The officers in the hall dared not neglect it in the slightest. They immediately called up the satellite screen and put it on the big screen.