Chapter 316 Refitted Warehouse

On the first floor of the base in the mountain.

Looking at the warehouse which was equal to several football fields, but it was almost filled with all kinds of materials, Harry stubbed out the cigarette in his hand.

"Alpha Dog, open the upgrade system, turn the first-floor upgrade into LV5!"

"Sir, the LV3 warehouse on the first-floor underground is a low-level one, which doesn't meet the requirements of the whole warehouse upgrade. Please make the upgrade on the first floor underground to an LV5 level warehouse first."

"Do I have to upgrade the warehouse first?" Harry asked in surprise.

But on second thought, if the overall space didn't increase, how could it increase the warehouse's capacity?

"Well, upgrade! Isn't it tokens? Alpha Dog, upgrade LV3 warehouse into LV5!"

"Upgrading the warehouse to LV5 will cost 150,000 tokens and some corresponding materials. Do you confirm the upgrade?"