Chapter 329 LV 10 Base

In the past two days, the Harry team hadn't walked out of the villa area and had been studying the route plan.

With the unremitting efforts of all the people and the support of Alpha Dog technology, they finally drew up the safest and most reliable route.

This route could avoid contact with the corpse tides to the greatest extent, and also avoid the conflict with many careful forces.

Of course, because the data was severely missing, this plan was only a plan, and many things had to be practical before they could judge.

But Harry didn't worry. With their current strength, they could easily solve some small problems.

Their main purpose of going to the Peace City this time was to find someone, and they had no intention of holding a grudge against others. But if someone took the initiative to provoke them, Harry didn't recommend sending them away. So that they could end their miserable lives as soon as possible.