Chapter 335 I Said I Could Block It

A bomb roared over the sky of the South Mountain city.

Then, a ray of light that was even brighter than the sun suddenly rose. It made the world dark.

Fortunately, the brightness of the camera was turned down by heaven and earth in time, so that Harry and the others could be blind.

Boom! Boom!

A deafening sound exploded in the center of the South Mountain city, accompanied by a hurricane and shock wave.

The high temperature of thousands of degrees instantly melted everything around them.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

In the flames, all the buildings, trees, and soil, as well as the zombie mutants, turned into dust and vanished in an instant.

As time went by, the shock wave continued to spread out, and wherever it went, everything was destroyed.

Even the mountains were shaking in this violent explosion. Large pieces of rocks collapsed as if doomsday had come.