Chapter 368 Can't Judge a Man by His Appearance

"Inform them to have a meeting right now!"

The burly man sneered and immediately jumped up from the bed, giving orders to the busy subordinate outside.

"Got it, brother Alan!"

The more than 40 people outside the room were all the confidants of the burly man. After hearing his order, they immediately put down their work and informed him of this order.

These people were very efficient. A few minutes later, all the senior leaders of the camp gathered in the meeting room.

"Brother Alan, the outpost has confirmed that the news is correct. The gangs are attracting a large group of zombies, heading for our camp!"


A man in a tight vest with muscles all over his body pounded the table and cursed angrily, "Damn it! These gangsters are too arrogant. They don't take us seriously at all!"

"That's right. They even want to use corpse tide to kill us. They are so lawless!"