Chapter 394 Eradication

"Ah, don't come over. Don't kill me. I don't want to die!"

"Who the hell are they? Why did they hurt us?"

"I'll fight you to the death!"

Although the people in the camp were completely killed by the corpses, there were many soldiers outside the base area. They relied on armored cars, tanks and armored skeletons with outer bones to rush out before the base was completely destroyed.

The mutant zombies had already rushed into the camp. They could barely resist a group of ordinary corpse tides.

Unfortunately, they could deal with ordinary zombies, but how could they defeat the Avenger helicopters?

Covered by the radar of the LV3 armored chariot, they couldn't escape from Harry. Before they could run far, the Avenger helicopters chased them. With the corpse tides, they were killed in the streets and alleys.