Chapter 423 Know Something

At five thirty-eight in the afternoon, the sun was setting in the west.

Some zombies, who were hiding in the dark corner, gradually walked out and began to look for food.

Buzz! Buzz!

At the farm base in the River district, with the sound of the propeller, the skydome slowly opened. Ten fully loaded Avenger helicopters slowly landed and entered the farm base, steadily parking on the tarmac of the farm base.

The helicopters landed. With a mechanical sound, the whole tarmac slowly descended and the helicopters sank to the ground.

This was the underground tarmac that Harry had specially modified with the cellar. It was usually used to park helicopters and chariots so that they wouldn't take up ground space.

Since the base directly reached LV5 after upgrading, the underground space was very broad. Now, it happened to be a warehouse for Harry and the others to store their goods.

The farm base was different from the South Dragon base. There was no mountain base as a storage room.