Chapter 442 Mutated Marine Creature with Consciousness

Early in the morning, the sky was dark, and the rain that had not been seen for a long time finally fell.

The raindrops fell on the skydome, through a series of complex circles, along the pipe, and on the plants at the farm base.

At this time, Harry's team gathered in the villa. While having breakfast, they listened to Alpha Dog introducing what had happened in the first meeting room last night.

"I didn't expect that the second wave of mutated marine creatures would attack Stone City. I thought that the mutated marine creatures wouldn't fall behind!"

Everyone was surprised that the military was able to capture a complete sample of the mutated marine creatures.

"Maybe it's because they're mutated marine creatures this time. We don't know much about this kind of monster. We sent robots to Stone City to investigate before. The mutated marine creatures are not as sensitive as the ordinary zombie."