Chapter 449 The Underwater World

Chapter 449 The Underwater World

The underwater land and grounds of the Peace City seemed to have turned into two worlds.

Just as the Harry team started the competition to kill zombies, the Green River near the farm base had been detected by the submarine sonar controlled by Alpha Dog. The terrain under the river had been completely detected.

The water net of Peace City was very wide. If the ground was the city above water, then the land below the water was a mountain city.

Deep valleys with meandering river courses were like a group of mountains. This was only the situation near the farm base.

"Purr, purr!"

Before the submarine nearby left the farm base area, huge sea stars, lobster, and octopus swam out of the river and rushed towards the submarine.

A large number of creatures swimming under the water stirred up a vortex in the calm river.