We Won’t Be Participating In the Same Program

'I'll sit and eat an apple while watching Pei Jie dance.'

Pei Jie would come half an hour early every day. When Shi Xi was resting, she would watch Pei Jie dance for a while.

She had heard of Pei Jie's name from her dance teacher many times, and she had also searched for him in private.

Pei Jie was a member of a male band in a small company. However, the small company did not have many resources and kept recruiting people to sign contracts. They would then waste their time to earn their termination fees.

The small company did not even have a proper dance class. Pei Jie would work to earn money before coming back to learn dance.

The dance teacher praised Pei Jie endlessly.

Shi Xi chewed on an apple as she watched Pei Jie's movements. She thought to herself that he was just so-so.

It was just that the dance was a little smoother, the movements were a little better, and the control was a little stronger.

How could he compare to her?