Take Off Your Clothes!

Other than the fact that Shi Xi had sold out of the same rabbit doll, there was also her affirmation of beautiful Shi Xi.

[Shi Xi is truly the daughter of a rich family. Her clothes and jewelry have never been repeated before.]

[I heard that Shi Xi will be participating in the evening party of Lishi TV. At that time, we will be able to see beautiful female geese again!]

[I'm looking forward to it!]


Soon, it was the evening party held by Lishi TV.

Shi Xi put on the evening gown that the KL brand had sent over and the diamond necklace that they had lent out.

"This necklace is very expensive. Miss Shi, be careful not to damage it," the brand reminded her carefully.

Shi Xi touched the diamond on it and said, "It's just an ordinary necklace. Is it very expensive?"

The brand was silent for a moment before saying, "To us, it's very expensive."

Shi Xi: "..."

With that said, she wanted to wear her own necklace.