Alex... Was It Ning Yu’s Vest?

[Tang Xi opens an umbrella and talks to Chu Yuan.]

But Director Yan neglected one thing.

Opening an umbrella and raising one's eyes and talking to Chu Yuan was also a test of one's acting skills.

Thus, the scenes of the previous NG scenes kept repeating.

One shot took an entire day.

It wasn't done yet.

It wasn't done until after work.

The smile on Chu Yuan's face could no longer be maintained.


When Shi Xi was putting on her makeup, her phone vibrated.

She looked over and realized that it was actually a call from Shuo Nan.

This dance god was actually looking for her?

What was going on?

Shi Xi picked up the call and turned on the speakerphone. She asked, "Little Brother, what's the matter?"

Shuo Nan: "...You should be younger than me, right?"

"It's just a form of address! Don't worry about such details," Shi Xi said.