The Guy Who Forgot What He Ate With

"Are you on your period?" Shi Xi asked softly.

Mu Zhao shook her head. She was in so much pain that she couldn't speak.

Pei Jie happened to take the medicine downstairs and said, "Brother Zhuang, I took a look at your medicine. It's already expired."

Zhuang Xuan said in disbelief, "I was still taking it yesterday."

Pei Jie took the medicine. "It says that it expired half a year ago."

Shi Xi asked, "Didn't you check the date before you took the medicine?"

Zhuang Xuan clutched his stomach and said sadly, "I remember that the medicine didn't expire. It was manufactured half a year ago! It has a shelf life of two years!"

Pei Jie said, "You're mistaken. It has a shelf life of half a year ago."

Zhuang Xuan thought of something and said, "I was wondering how I could have bought the medicine from half a year ago last year!"

Shi Xi suggested, "Why don't we go to the hospital?"